
The department is proposing amendments to various rules in Chapter 12D-9, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), for the value adjustment board (VAB) process. The purpose of the amendment to Rule 12D-9.001, F.A.C., is to detail taxpayer rights to implement sections 10, 11, and 12 of Chapter 2016-128, Laws of Florida (L.O.F.) The purpose of the proposed amendment to Rule 12D-9.003, F.A.C., is to implement section 11 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F., adding the terms “petition” and “representative.” The department proposes removing reference to AGO 2002-058 from the Law Implemented because opinions do not constitute law that can be implemented. The purpose of the proposed amendment to Rule 12D-9.004, F.A.C., is to reflect the verbiage change “chair” from section 11 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F. The purpose of the proposed amendments to Rule 12D-9.005, F.A.C., is to implement section 11 of Chapter 2012-193, L.O.F., updating language from s. 194.032, F.S., and section 10 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F., adding the new types of hearings. The proposed amendment to Rule 12D-9.007, F.A.C., is to update the clerk’s role for notifications and implement section 2 of Chapter 2013-72, L.O.F., to allow for electronic notification of board decisions. The proposed amendment to Rule 12D-9.010, F.A.C., is to reflect the different types of hearings an attorney special magistrate will hear from section 12 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F. The proposed amendment to Rule 12D-9.014, F.A.C., is to implement section 12 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F., adding a requirement from s. 194.035(1), F.S., to the prehearing checklist. The proposed amendment to Rule 12D-9.015, F.A.C., is to remove language superceded by statute; update the rule language to match the changes to the petition forms; implement new Forms DR-486POA and DR-486A; implement section 10 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F.; incorporate changes from sections 8 and 11 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F.; correct statute citations; and add how authorized parties sign and file petitions with the clerk. The proposed amendment to Rule 12D-9.017, F.A.C., is to implement section 11 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F., changing “agent” to “representative.” The purpose of the proposed amendment to Rule 12D-9.018, F.A.C., is to implement sections 1, 8, and 11 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F., providing for the requirements of additional types of representation for a taxpayer. The purpose of the proposed amendment to Rule 12D-9.019, F.A.C., is to implement section 10 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F. and section 8 of Chapter 2013-109, L.O.F., adding steps for a board clerk when rescheduling a hearing for good cause provided in s. 194.032, F.S. The purpose of the proposed amendment to Rule 12D-9.025, F.A.C., is to and add when the property appraiser provides a revised property record card to the petitioner. The purpose of the proposed amendment to Rule 12D-9.029, F.A.C., is to clarify procedures when remanding a value assessment to the property appraiser. The purpose of the proposed amendment to Rules 12D-9.030 and 12D-9.032, F.A.C., is to implement section 11 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F., adding amendments from s. 194.034, F.S., regarding when the board prepares written decisions. The purpose of the proposed amendment to Rule 12D-9.034, F.A.C., is to implement section 11 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F., changing “agent” to “representative.” The effect of amending these rules is to clarify the procedures for VAB proceedings and reflect recent statutory changes.