
These TMDLs address the fecal coliform bacteria impairment in the Klosterman Bayou Run tidal segment and the Saint Joes Creek freshwater segment, which were verified as impaired by fecal coliform using the methodology established in Chapter 62-303, Identification of Impaired Surface Waters, Florida Administrative Code. A discussion of each impaired water follows: Klosterman Bayou Run tidal segment: The TMDL for Klosterman Bayou Run is for fecal coliform bacteria and was based on the “percent reduction” methodology. Under this method, the percent reduction needed to meet the applicable criterion is calculated for each measured value above the criterion, and then the median of the percent reductions is calculated to determine the percent reduction in fecal coliform loading needed for the bayou to meet the applicable water quality criteria for fecal coliform bacteria. Saint Joes Creek freshwater segment: The TMDL for Saint Joes Creek is for fecal coliform bacteria, and was developed using the load duration method. The TMDL provides the percent reduction in fecal coliform loading needed for the creek to meet the applicable water quality criteria for fecal coliform bacteria.