
20007/2008 Budget Workshop immediately followed by the Regular Board Meeting and an Attorney/Client Briefing to commence at 11:00 a.m. between the Tampa Bay Water Board of Directors and legal counsel pursuant to Section 286.011(8), Florida Statutes, to discuss possible settlement and litigation strategies in Tampa Bay Water v. Hydranautics, Fidelity of Maryland, Zurich American, King Engineering and Delaware Engineering, P.C The Attorney/Client Breffing Attendees: Board of Directors of Tampa Bay Water, General Manager Jerry Maxwell, General Counsel Rick Lotspeich, Richard Harrison, Esquire, Dave Forziano, Esquire, and a certified court reporter. The Board of Directors of Tampa Bay Water approved the Attorney/Client session at its regularly scheduled meeting on February 19, 2007. The entire Attorney/Client briefing session will be recorded by a certified court reporter, transcribed within a reasonable time after the meeting, and filed with Tampa Bay Water’s Records Manager. The transcript of the private session shall be made part of the public record upon the conclusion of the litigation.