
Amend rules relating to services for ELLs in Florida public schools, update identification procedures for prospective ELLs to address the requirements in the Every Student Succeeds Act, Public Law No. 114-95 (2015) (“ESSA”), and to update requirements for the annual English language proficiency assessment, including the following revisions: 6A-6.0902, F.A.C. - These amendments meet the requirements of ESSA, so prospective ELLs are assessed and placed in the English for Speakers of Other Languages program within time frames established under ESSA and that parents receive timely notices that include information required under ESSA. 6A-6.09021, F.A.C. - This amendment adopts the assessments as an ongoing requirement. In addition, the name of the kindergarten assessment will be updated, and the proposed rule will clarify the current English language proficiency level. 6A-6.0905, F.A.C. – Amend the Department’s online template ESOL 100 entitled, “District English Language Learners (ELL) Plan,” incorporated by reference, to reflect revisions to the requirements of Rule 6A-6.0902, F.A.C. 6A-6.09091, F.A.C. - This amendment includes use of a bilingual glossary as an approved accommodation.