
This amendment would update Rules 40C-3.011, 40C-3.021, 40C-3.0321, 40C-3.036, 40C-3.037, 40C-3.041, 40C-3.051, 40C-3.101, 40C-3.301, 40C-3.411, 40C-3.461, 40C-3.500, 40C-3.517, and 40C-3.531, F.A.C., to incorporate references to FDEP’s rules and forms, update references to rules and titles within Chapter 40C-3, delete definitions that are unnecessary or redundant to definitions in DEP’s rules, and clarify these existing rules. This amendment would also streamline the permitting process and reduce the regulatory burden on water well contruction permit applicants by amending Rule 40C-3.041, to authorize the issuance of one permit to construct, repair, or abandon certain types of multiple well systems, and amending Rule 40C-3.051, F.A.C., to exempt from permitting certain types of small wells constructed to shallow depths that are used for a short duration to obtain shallow soil or water information.