This informational meeting offers people the opportunity to express their views about the location, conceptual design, and social, economic, and environmental effects of constructing a new Cow Camp Road Bridge. The study limits include 1,000 feet along Cow Camp Road and includes the Rosalie/Zipprer Canal. Financial Project ID 431772-1-52-01.
FDOT provided handouts and posters describing the project alternatives at Lake Kissimmee State Park. Encroachments on wetlands and floodplains have been identified and may be given special consideration under Executive Orders 11990 and 11988, Protection of Wetlands and Floodplain Management, respectively.
FDOT solicits public participation without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. People who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, or who require translation services (free of charge), should contact FDOT project manager Andra Diggs at 863-519-2426 or at least seven days prior to the public hearing.