
By Board resolution, Suwannee River Water Management District requested that the Department adopt the MFLs for Lower Santa Fe and Ichetucknee Rivers and Associated Priority Springs. DEP adopted MFLs are effective in all districts without the need for further rulemaking. This proposed rule establishes a new rule chapter for Department-adopted MFLs and sets out the MFLs for the Lower Santa Fe and Ichetucknee Rivers and Associated Priority Springs. When it has been determined that a water body has fallen below, or is projected to fall within 20 years below, an adopted MFL, the Department must simultaneously approve the recovery or prevention strategy required by Section 373.0421(2), F.S., and paragraph 62-40.473(5), F.A.C. Therefore, the Department has proposed for adoption a regulatory strategy to be implemented during an initial phase of recovery, including provisions relating to existing permittees, renewal applicants, modification applicants, and new users. Specifically, new uses of water, whether by new users or by requests for increased allocations, must offset their impacts to the MFL water bodies. Users’ existing allocated quantities are found consistent with this recovery strategy.