
These proposed rule changes and new rules will adopt national definitions and clarify terms used throughout Rule Chapter 5F-11; incorporate department forms by reference and indicate the internet site from which copies may be obtained; clarify submission requirements for licensure applicants; establish a new specialty installer license type; clarify requirements for posting of owner information at dealer sites; clarify procedure for "red-tagging" unsafe systems; establish requirement to document leak test results; correct references to codes, statutes, or rules; clarify “working days” for purposes of notice of disconnect and establish that disconnect notices will expire after thirty working days; clarify existing and establish additional safety requirements for protection of cylinder storage units; clarify experience requirements for qualifiers; clarify examination and re-examination procedures; clarify term “immediately” for purposes of reporting qualifier vacancies and establish department e-mail site to which notices may be sent; clarify use of Facility Inspection Report and Vehicle Inspection Report and establish use of Notice of Required Correction and procedures for requesting extensions to correct code violations; specify penalties to be assessed for violations of laws, rules, and regulations to ensure uniformity in the application of such penalties; and establish alternative resolution procedures.