To incorporate by reference all Gold Standard Career Pathways Statewide Articulation Agreements based on industry certifications published by the Department of Education annually as the “CAPE Industry Certification Funding List.” These Gold Standard Career Pathways Articulation Agreements provide guaranteed college credit for individuals who have earned an industry certification specified in the agreement and enrolled in the specified associate in science or applied science degree program at a Florida College System institution. Pursuant to 1008.44(4)(c), F.S., “After an industry certification is adopted by the State Board of Education for inclusion on the CAPE Industry Certification Funding List, the Chancellor of Career and Adult Education, within 90 days, must provide to the Articulation Coordinating Committee recommendations for articulation of postsecondary credit for related degrees for the approved certifications.” The Articulation Coordinating Committee approved six (6) recently developed agreements for newly approved industry certifications on the 2017-2018 CAPE Industry Certification Funding List.