
The proposed rule amendment would adjust season dates to conform to calendar year changes and revise specific area regulations on miscellaneous areas as follows: Babcock Ranch Preserve Tier I – extend scouting hours before each spring turkey quota hunt to 1½ hours before sunrise until 1½ hours after sunset; and shift the start of the general gun mobility-impaired and general gun quota hunts from Friday to Saturday (the length of the hunts will remain the same). Babcock Ranch Preserve Tier II – reduce antler point restriction for harvesting antlered deer from "at least 1 antler having 4 or more points" to "at least 1 antler having 3 or more points OR one antler with a main beam of 10 inches or more" (consistent with Zone A antler point restrictions). Kissimmee Chain of Lakes Area – allow deer to be hunted during archery, muzzleloading gun and general gun seasons in the Drasdo Unit. Kissimmee River Public Use Area – establish two 5-day wild hog-dog hunts during the months of April and May (no quota requirement). Additionally, the proposed rule amendment would provide non-substantive technical changes, such as grammatical corrections, language standardization, or clarification of an existing rule.