The advancement of molecular techniques in genetic research has led to better understanding of the relationships between species and subspecies within taxonomic groups, leading to revisions in scientific names. The Florida box turtle (Terrapene bauri) was previously considered a subspecies of the eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina) but is now widely accepted as a separate species by scientists and biological authorities, while other subspecies of box turtles also native to Florida are still under evaluation. Revising the rule to reflect the accepted taxonomic change of T. bauri as a separate species and identifying in rule the remaining subspecies will maintain current protections and provide clarity for both stakeholders and staff regarding possession limits for box turtles. In addition to updating the taxonomy of box turtles in Florida, the revised rule will provide language inclusive of hybrids and future taxonomic revisions, with no change to the regulations for these species. At the March 2, 2022, meeting, the Commission reviewed and approved these rule changes.