
Pursuant to 2016 legislation, Rule 25-30.444, F.A.C., implements a utility reserve fund. Subsection (1) sets forth the projects eligible for the utility reserve fund. Subsection (2) sets forth the filing requirements in an application for a utility reserve fund, including the requirements for a capital improvement plan. Subsection (3) provides reporting requirements for the utilities so the Commission can track the monies collected for the utility reserve fund. Subsection (4) lists the information that a utility must provide to the Commission in order to receive Commission authorization for disbursement of the reserve fund monies. Subsection (5) sets forth the filing requirements to request a modification of the reserve fund. Subsection (6) of the rule provides the conditions under which the Commission will determine the final disposition of a utility reserve fund. Rule 25-30.4445, F.A.C., provides the noticing requirements for the application for a utility reserve fund, including applications filed as stand-alone applications or applications filed in conjunction with another rate case proceeding.