The Department will be soliciting input and ideas regarding the Community Based Care Lead Agency procurement model, which currently employs an Invitation to Negotiate process under Section 298.057(1)(c), Florida Statutes. This workshop is one of three workshops to be held in the State of Florida for this purpose. Notice of the other two workshops, scheduled for April 20, 2011, in Orlando and April 21, 2011, in West Palm Beach will be separately advertised. These workshops will be organized to provide a brief overview and to allow up to two and a half hours of public input for the Department’s consideration. Persons and organizations interested in improving the Community Based Care Lead Agency procurement process are encouraged to attend.
The purpose of this workshop is not to develop a program for future implementation, draft a solicitation or to receive input on the drafting of a solicitation, but to receive public input on potential improvements to the existing Community Based Care Lead Agency procurement process. The Department will retain sole responsibility for drafting any procurement for Community Based Care Lead Agency services.