The procedure for adoption of this emergency rule is “fair under the circumstances” as required by Section 120.54(4), F.S. and provides the procedural protection required for adoption of an emergency rule. Section 393.0661(4), F.S. (2007) mandated APD to reduce the deficit by all means including limiting services, reducing rates, or limiting the number of people provided services. Chapter 2007-64, Laws of Florida specifically mandated APD to reduce residential habilitation rates by implementing a consolidated residential habilitation rate structure to increase savings to the state through a more cost-effective payment method and establish uniform rates for intensive behavioral residential habilitation services.
The provider community received timely advance notice that the Agency for Persons with Disabilities was considering rate adjustments to meet the legislature's mandate to increase savings and establish uniform rates for providers. APD hosted a series of Systems Review Workgroups for the purpose of identifying means of dealing with the projected deficit for APD, improving the accountability of the Developmental Disabilities Home and Community Based Services Medicaid waiver system, and restructuring the residential habilitation rate structure. In addition to the 12 meetings held between APD and various interest groups, there was also a specific sub-workgroup developed to exclusively address the residential habilitation rates. Along with staff from APD and AHCA, participants in the process included self-advocates (clients), family members, providers and provider associations, waiver support coordinators, representatives from advocacy groups including Florida Association for Rehabilitation Facilities (FARF), the Family Care Council, Arc of Florida, Florida Association of Support Coordinators, Sunrise (a provider agency) and Mentor (a provider agency). After the initial introduction of the APD Residential Habilitation rate structure, additional input was obtained from the various affected groups. The Agency for Persons with Disabilities received, considered and incorporated comments from the provider community regarding its position on the proposed rate adjustments.
Constitutional and statutory due process requirements are met as an opportunity for judicial review of the emergency rule is provided by Section 120.54(4)(a)3., F.S., and an opportunity to contest the emergency rule is provided by Section 120.5615, F.S.