The Department will bring before the Environmental Regulation Commission (ERC) for adoption its proposed revisions under the current Triennial Review of state surface water quality standards. These revisions are proposed for Chapter 62-4 (Permits), Chapter 62-302 (Surface Water Quality Standards), and Chapter 62-303 (Identification of Impaired Surface Waters), F.A.C. The proposed rule amendments in Chapter 62-4, F.A.C., reduce the application fee required to establish a site specific alternative criterion in surface waters. The proposed rules also revise the limit on the size of turbidity mixing zones and the antidegradation threshold for turbidity in Outstanding Florida Waters for Joint Coastal Permit projects. The proposed rule amendments in Chapter 62-302, F.A.C., include: (1) incorporation by reference of a document titled “Implementation of Florida’s Numeric Nutrient Standards”, (2) revision of human health-based water quality criteria, and (3) revision of dissolved oxygen criteria. Other changes in Chapter 62-302, F.A.C., include revision of several definitions, correction of several typographical errors, establishment of numeric criteria for Lindane based on acute toxicity effects, clarification of how surface water quality criteria are applied, update a number of surface water quality criteria, correct outdated rule references for a number of surface water quality criteria, allow for the use of Ekman and Ponar sampling devices for determining the Shannon-Weaver Diversity Index, and establishment of numeric nutrient criteria in the Tidal Peace River estuary. The proposed rule amendments in Chapter 62-303, F.A.C., update the listing methodology for assessment of the revised Dissolved Oxygen criteria to determine waterbody impairments, implement a variety of miscellaneous updates identified during the Triennial Review of Florida’s water quality standards, and update the listing methodology for human health-based water quality criteria to determine waterbody impairments.