
The rule proposed to be repealed lists the air emissions test methods to be used where a compliance test is required by a department air pollution rule or air permit. This list of test methods in Rule 62-297.401, F.A.C., is no longer necessary because the required test method for a compliance test is now prescribed in each rule that requires a compliance test to be performed. The state air emissions opacity test method “DEP Method 9” is being repealed in order for businesses to be able to rely solely on a comparable federal air emissions opacity test method, “EPA Method 9”, so that businesses will not be subject to both state and federal opacity test methods. OTHER RULES INCORPORATING THIS RULE: 62-160.110; 62-296.320; 62-296.401; 62-296.402; 62-296.403; 62-296.404; 62-296.405; 62-296.406; 62-296.408; 62-296.409; 62-296.410; 62-296.412; 62-296.415; 62-296.416; 62-296.501; 62-296.502; 62-296.503; 62-296.504; 62-296.505; 62-296.506; 62-296.507; 62-296.508; 62-296.510; 62-296.511; 62-296.512; 62-296.513; 62-296.514; 62-296.515; 62-296.516; 62-296.570; 62-296.600; 62-296.701; 62-296.702; 62-296.703; 62-296.704; 62-296.705; 62-296.706; 62-296.707; 62-296.708; 62-296.709; 62-296.710; 62-296.711; and 62-296.712, F.A.C. EFFECT ON THOSE OTHER RULES: The repeal of Rule 62-297.401, F.A.C., will require rule citation changes from Chapter 62-297 or Rule 62-297.401, F.A.C., to Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., in the referencing rules. The repeal of “DEP Method 9” will require that, where included in the rule, all two-minute period opacity limits be replaced by equivalent federal six-minute period opacity limits as required by the federal “EPA Method 9”.