
Until the regulatory part of the prevention strategy proposed in rule 40C-2.101, F.A.C., becomes effective, this emergency rule will temporarily prevent the existing flows and levels from falling below the minimum flows and levels for Silver Springs in emergency rule 40CER17-01 and in proposed 40C-8.031(7), F.A.C. Among other things, this emergency rule will: (1) define terms used in the rule; (2) delineate the boundaries of the area in which the new rule applies; (3) restrict certain upper Floridan groundwater uses that have the potential to impact Silver Springs without a supplemental water supply or offset project to no more than demonstrated 2024 demand; (4) provide options for addressing potential impacts to Silver Springs; (5) provide a temporary groundwater allocation for certain permittees that are diligently pursuing a supplemental water supply or offset project; (6) clarify that irrigation allocations for agricultural, recreational, or landscape uses include both an allocation for average climatic conditions as well as drought conditions; and (7) provide criteria for self-relocations of reasonable-beneficial permitted allocations.