The rule is amended to correctly identify community colleges as Florida colleges, clarify responsibilities of the State Board of Education, Commissioner of Education, and the Office of Educational Facilities, update references to the discretionary capital improvement millage rate cap from 2 mills to 1.5 mills, and to require forms where practical to be submitted electronically through the Educational Facilities Information System. Other changes include but are not limited to the clarification that the location of educational facilities must be consistent with the comprehensive plan and with the land development regulations of the appropriate local governing body; clarification that a 5-year District Facilities Work Plan must be completed and financially feasible for 5, 10 and 20-year periods and be consistent with the approved recommendations in the 5-year educational plant survey, update provisions related to interlocal agreements for school planning coordination to clarify content requirements, update educational facilities specifications consistent with new statutory requirements for energy-efficiency standards and a classroom minimum lighting standards; require Phase III construction documents to include fire sprinkler system drawings and calculations; and to update threshold limits to $300,000 consistent with statutory provisions regarding the current cost index.