
Paragraphs 11B-35.001(9)-(15), F.A.C.: Deletes subsection 11B-35.001(9), F.A.C., because the Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program was developed and approved with an effective date of November 1, 2016; and renumbers subsections 11B-35.001(9)-(15), F.A.C. Paragraph 11B-35.001(10)(b), F.A.C.: Incorporates and revises the Academy Physical Fitness Standards Report, form CJSTC-67A, to update the rule reference and only request the last four digits of the student’s social security number; updates the name of the Florida Correctional Probation BRTP by adding “BRTP”; and adds the Florida Correctional Probation Officer Training Academy course as another course that requires the submission of form CJSTC-67A. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.001(10)(d)8., F.A.C.: Updates the title of the ATMS Global Profile Report to reflect ATMS Global Profile Sheet for consistency within the rule and incorporates the revised Instructor Exemption, form CJSTC-82, which adds a certification statement to ensure the training center director or designee is aware of their responsibility to verify individual meets the eligibility requirements. Sub-paragraphs 11B-35.001(10)(d)9.-10., F.A.C.: Updates the rule reference. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.001(10)(d)13., F.A.C.: Updates the rule reference. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.001(10)(d)14., F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Physician’s Assessment, form CJSTC-75, which combines the original Physician’s Assessment, form CJSTC-75, and the Physical Fitness Assessment, form CJSTC-75B, to create the revised Physician’s Assessment, form CJSTC-75, to replace the repealed Physical Fitness Assessment, form CJSTC-75B. Paragraph 11B-35.001(11)(c), F.A.C.: Updates the rule reference. Paragraph 11B-35.001(12)(a), F.A.C.: Updates the rule reference. Paragraph 11B-35.001(12)(b), F.A.C.: Updates the rule reference. Subsection 11B-35.001(13), F.A.C.: Updates the rule reference. Paragraph 11B-35.001(14)(b), F.A.C.: Revises the rule text to require a student to complete the Physician’s Assessment, form CJSTC-75, prior to beginning a Basic Recruit Training Program, instead of completing the Physical Fitness Assessment, form CJSTC-75B, which is being repealed. Paragraph 11B-35.0010(4)(a), F.A.C.: Makes a grammatical change. Paragraph 11B-35.0010(4)(b), F.A.C.: Updates the forms website link. Subparagraph 11B-35.002(1)(a)7., F.A.C.: Retires the Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy, number 2003, because it is being replaced with the new Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy, number 3002. Subparagraph 11B-35.002(1)(a)8., F.A.C.: Retires the Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy, number 2004 because it is being replaced with the new Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy, number 3005. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(1)(a)9., F.A.C.: Adds the new Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy number 3002 to the list of Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Programs, effective July 1, 2016, to replace the retired Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy number 2003. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(1)(a)10., F.A.C.: Adds the new Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy number 3005 to the list of Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Programs, effective July 1, 2016, to replace the retired Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy number 2004. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(1)(b)5., F.A.C.: Retires the Correctional Probation Officer Training to Florida CMS Correctional BRTP, number 1193, because it is being replaced with the new Correctional Probation Officer Training to Florida CMS Correctional BRTP, number 3004. Sub-paragraphs 11B-35.002(1)(b)8.-9., F.A.C.: Retires the Law Enforcement Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Correctional BRTP, number 2005, because it is being replaced with the new Law Enforcement Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Correctional BRTP, number 3001. Commission staff is no longer using crossover-specific courses in the cross-over programs. Instead staff is only using existing courses in their entirety from the discipline to be learned. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(1)(b)10., F.A.C.: Adds the new Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program number 3004 to the list of Correctional Basic Recruit Training Programs, effective July 1, 2016, to replace the retired Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program number 1193 because crossover-specific courses are no longer being used. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(1)(c)1., F.A.C.: Retires the Florida Correctional Probation BRTP number 1176. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(1)(c)2., F.A.C.: Retires the Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation Officer Training Academy number 1183 and replaces it with the new Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation Officer Training Academy number 3003. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(1)(c)4., F.A.C.: Revises the rule text to require a basic recruit student to complete the new Florida Correctional Probation Officer Training Academy instead of the Correctional Probation BRTP in order to become a certified Correctional Probation Auxiliary Officer. Also updates the rule references. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(1)(c)5., F.A.C.: Adds the new Florida Correctional Probation Officer Training Academy number 3000 to the list of Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Programs, effective November 1, 2016. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(1)(c)6., F.A.C.: Adds the new Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation Officer Training Academy number 3003 to the list of Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Programs to replace the Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation BRTP number 1183, effective November 1, 2016. Paragraph 11B-35.002(5)(d), F.A.C.: Retires the Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program number 1176 and deletes the table of associated courses. Paragraph 11B-35.002(5)(f), F.A.C.: Includes the new Florida Correctional Probation Officer Training Academy number 3000 and associated courses to the list of Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Programs, effective November 1, 2016. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(6)(d)2., F.A.C.: Replaces the Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy number 2003 with the new Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy number 3002 because crossover-specific courses are no longer used in the crossover programs. Sub-paragraphs 11B-35.002(6)(d)3.-7., F.A.C.: Renumbers the rule subsections because the list of Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Programs was updated. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(6)(d)3., F.A.C.: Includes the new Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy number 3002 and associated courses to the Law Enforcement Cross-Over Basic Recruit Training Programs because crossover-specific courses are no longer used in the crossover programs. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(6)(d)5., F.A.C.: Replaces the Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy number 2004 with the new Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy number 3005 because crossover-specific courses are no longer used in the crossover programs. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(6)(d)6., F.A.C.: Includes the new Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Academy number 3005 to the list of Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Programs, effective July 1, 2016. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(6)(e)2., F.A.C.: Replaces the retired Law Enforcement Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program number 2005 with the Law Enforcement Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program number 3001; and renumbers subparagraphs in Rule 11B-35.002(6)(e), F.A.C. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(6)(e)3., F.A.C.: Adds the new Law Enforcement Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program number 3001 and associated courses to the list of Correctional Cross-Over Basic Recruit Training Programs, effective July 1, 2016. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(6)(e)6., F.A.C.: Replaces the retired Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program number 1193 with the Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program number 3004. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(6)(e)7., F.A.C.: Adds the new Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program number 3004 and associated courses to the list of Correctional Cross-Over Basic Recruit Training Programs, effective July 1, 2016. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(6)(f)5., F.A.C.: Replaces the retired Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program number 1183 with the Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation Officer Training Academy number 3003. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(6)(f)6., F.A.C.: Adds the new Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation Officer Training Academy number 3003 and associated courses to the list of Correctional Probation Cross-Over Basic Recruit Training Programs, effective November 1, 2016. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.0021(1)(e), F.A.C.: Removes the “Cross-Over Handgun Transition Course” from the High-Liability Basic Recruit Training Program and retires the course from crossover programs involving the Corrections Officer BRTP because corrections officers no longer need this training. Paragraph 11B-35.0021(8)(a), F.A.C.: Removes the “Cross-Over Handgun Transition Course” as a course that requires instructor to student ratio of proficiency demonstration. The course is being retired from cross-over programs involving the Corrections Officer BRTP because corrections officers no longer need this training. Paragraph 11B-35.0023(2)(c), F.A.C.: Updates the title of the ATMS Global Profile Report to reflect ATMS Global Profile Sheet for consistency within the rule; and adds text to allow for other documentation as proof of a student’s course completion. Subsection 11B-35.0023(3), F.A.C.: Adds new paragraph to include text that allows high liability courses completed in one Basic Recruit Training Program to be transferred to another Program and identify the requirements which must be met in order to transfer the courses. Paragraphs 11B-35.0023(3)(a)-(d), F.A.C.: Includes rule language to identify the requirements which must be met in order to transfer from one Basic Recruit Training Program to another Program. Paragraphs 11B-35.0023(4)-(6), F.A.C.: Renumbers paragraphs because the new paragraph 11B-35.0023(3), F.A.C., was added. Subsection 11B-35.0024(3), F.A.C.: Removes the “Cross-Over Handgun Transition Course” as a proficiency demonstration course. The course is being retired from cross-over programs involving the Corrections Officer BRTP because corrections officers no longer need this training. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.0024(3)(a)3., F.A.C.: Revises the rule text to require a basic recruit student to complete the Physician’s Assessment, form CJSTC-75, prior to beginning a Basic Recruit Training Program, instead of completing the Physical Fitness Assessment, form CJSTC-75B, which is being repealed. Subsection 11B-35.0024(4), F.A.C.: Removes the specialized “Role-play Scenario for Facilitative Learning” course from a list of courses that require students to demonstrate proficiency. Also, removes related text stating the same. Paragraph 11B-35.0024(4)(m), F.A.C.: Removes the unnecessary statement that the Role-play Scenarios for Facilitative Learning course, number 2001, does not require a proficiency demonstration. Subsection 11B-35.003(2), F.A.C.: Updates the rule text to reflect that an applicant must complete the Florida Correctional Probation Officer Training Academy in its entirety in order to become a certified law enforcement or correctional auxiliary officer. Subsection 11B-35.003(8), F.A.C.: Revises the rule text to require an individual to complete the new Florida Correctional Probation Officer Training Academy number 3000 instead of the Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program, number 1176, in order to become a correctional probation auxiliary officer. Paragraph 11B-35.009(3)(c), F.A.C.: Updates the topics and exemption-from-training requirements for correctional probation officer training to complete the new Florida Correctional Probation Officer Training Academy number 3000 instead of the Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program, number 1176. Subsection 11B-35.009(5), F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Exemption-From-Training, form CJSTC-76, to change the discipline field name to “Florida Correctional Probation Officer Training Academy” and revise the deficiency topics.