
FDOT Financial Id. No. 427225-1-52-01 Milling and Resurfacing US 1 (SR 5) From Roosevelt Ave. to South of Crane Creek Bridge; Milling and Resurfacing New Haven Ave. (SR 500) From US 1 (SR 5) to Strawbridge Ave. Meeting regarding the proposed plans to improve safety and repave US 1 and New Haven Avenue in the City of Melbourne. The proposed project extends from south of Roosevelt Avenue to south of the Crane Creek Bridge along US 1, and from east of US 1 to US 192 along New Haven Avenue. In addition to repaving, the existing signals at Line Street and US 1 are being replaced with mast arm poles. Other features, such as curb ramps and crosswalks, and signal equipment are being added to increase safety and to meet requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Accommodations for bicyclists, by law, are included, and require removing on-street parking from the north side of New Haven Avenue between US 1 and US 192. Design is scheduled for completion spring 2012 and construction is scheduled in the fall 2012.