These TMDLs address the nutrient impairments in the Wekiva River (including Wekiwa Spring), Rock Springs Run, Spring Lake, Lake Florida, Lake Orienta, Lake Adalaide, Lake Lawne, Silver Lake, and Bay Lake, nutrient and dissolved oxygen impairments in the Little Wekiva Canal, and fecal coliform impairment in the Little Wekiva Canal and the Little Wekiva River, which were verified as impaired using the methodology established in Chapter 62-303, Identification of Impaired Surface Waters, Florida Administrative Code. The percent reduction method was used to develop the nitrate and total phosphorus TMDLs for the Wekiva River (including Wekiwa Spring) and Rock Springs Run, the Watershed Management Model (WMM), and Bathtub Model were used to simulate the total nitrogen and total phosphorus TMDLs for Spring Lake, Lake Florida, Lake Orienta, Lake Adalaide, Lake Lawne, Silver Lake, and Bay Lake. The United States Environmental Protection Agency Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was used to simulate the BOD, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus TMDLs for Little Wekiva Canal. The load duration analysis method was used to develop the fecal coliform TMDLs for the Little Wekiva Canal and the Little Wekiva River.