The meeting agenda will consist of the following items for consideration: Amendment to Rule 6A-1.0503, F.A.C., Definition of Qualified Instructional Personnel; Amendment to Rule 6A-1.09441, F.A.C., Requirements for Programs and Courses Which are Funded Through the Florida Education Finance Program and for Which the Student May Earn Credit Toward High School Graduation; Amendment to Rules relating to ELLs: 6A-6.0902, F.A.C., Requirements for Identification, Eligibility, and Programmatic Assessments of English Language Learners; 6A-6.09021, F.A.C., Annual English Language Proficiency Assessment for English Language Learners (ELLs); 6A-6.0905, F.A.C., Requirements for the District English Language Learners Plan; and 6A-6.09091, F.A.C., Accommodations of the Statewide Assessment Program Instruments and Procedures for English Language Learners; Amendment to Rule 6M-4.500, F.A.C., Child Attendance and Provider Reimbursements; and Amendment to Rule 6M-9.115, F.A.C., Procedures and Criteria for Approval of School Readiness Plans.