
Pursuant to section 367.0814(1), Florida Statutes, Rules 25-30.455, 25-30.456, and 25-30.457 would be amended to increase the total gross annual operating revenues of water and wastewater utilities eligible for staff assistance in rate cases, alternative rate setting, and limited alternative rate increases from $250,000 to $275,000 or less for water or wastewater service, and from $500,000 to $550,000 or less for water and wastewater service combined. These rules would also be amended to remove from the Commission’s consideration in ruling on an application whether the applicant has complied in a timely manner with all Commission decisions and requests for 2 years prior to the filing of the application. In addition, Rule 25-30.457 would be amended to also remove from the Commission’s consideration in ruling on an application for limited alternative rate increase whether the utility has been granted a limited alternative rate increase within 3 years prior to the receipt of the application, and whether the utility is currently in compliance with any applicable water management district permit conditions concerning rate structure. Undocketed.