NOAA Fisheries approved a rule setting a two-fish recreational bag limit for red grouper in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico (see 50 C.F.R. § 622.38(b)(2), effective May 7, 2015). This federal rule change was based on the unexpected federal annual catch limit overrun in 2013 and the early closure of the recreational red grouper fishery in Gulf federal waters in 2014. Reducing the recreational bag limit to two fish was viewed as a way to keep future federal recreational red grouper seasons open for a longer period of time. At its November 2014 meeting, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (Commission) also approved changes specifying a recreational bag limit of two-fish per person per day for red grouper in state waters of the Gulf of Mexico (excluding Monroe County). The purpose of this rule amendment is to achieve consistency between the Commission’s red grouper regulations and federal regulations in Gulf of Mexico federal waters.
The effect of the rule amendment is that federal and state regulations can be applied more consistently to all fishing activity in the Gulf of Mexico. Consistent regulations in state waters would likely result in a longer federal season for red grouper because it would take longer for recreational anglers to reach the recreational annual catch limit with the reduced bag limit. This would benefit federally-permitted for-hire vessels that are required to follow federal rules for red grouper, even when fishing in state waters, and would also benefit private recreational anglers that fish for red grouper in federal waters.
68B-14.0036 (Recreational Bag Limits: Snapper, Grouper, Hogfish, Black Sea Bass, Red Porgy, Amberjacks, Tilefish, Exception, Wholesale/Retail Purchase Exemption.) would be amended to specify a recreational red grouper bag limit of two-fish per person per day (within the four-grouper aggregate bag limit) in state waters of the Gulf of Mexico excluding Monroe County.