
The proposed rules provide that if the actual flow or level of a water body is below the minimum flow or level, a new quantity of water will not be permitted unless the proposed withdrawal will provide a net benefit to the impacted water body. The proposed rules describe the three types of net benefit that can be proposed. In order to maximize the efficient utilization of water resources in the SWUCA to allow for recovery, the District proposes rules that will emphasize that new and renewal water use permits applicants must demonstrate a reasonable-beneficial use, that conservation measures will be implemented and alternative sources of water will be utilized to the extent economically, technically and environmentally feasible. The proposed rules include a method for calculating public water supply service area population so that calculation of population is standardized for utilities within the Southern Water Use Caution Area. This standardization is integral to the determination of compliance with per capita daily water use rule requirements and to developing future per capita daily water use standards. The proposed rules repeal the Highlands Water Use Caution Area and the Eastern Tampa Bay Water Use Caution Area.