This is a meeting of the Trustees of the State Board of Administration to authorize the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund to file a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Rule 19-8.028, F.A.C., Reimbursement Premium Formula, and to authorize filing this rule for adoption if no member of the public requests a rule hearing. Also, authorization will be sought to repeal obsolete Rules 19-8.015, 19-8.016, 19-8.017, 19-8.018, 19-8.019, 19-8.020, 19-8.021, 19-8.022, 19-8.023, 19-8.024, 19-8.025, 19-8.026, 19-8.027, F.A.C. In addition, other general business may be addressed. The rules and incorporated forms reflecting the proposed amendments are available on the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund website: