
The Agency is scheduling workshops in for the purpose of taking public comment regarding provider reimbursement rates for the Developmental Disabilities Home and Community Based Services Program. Rule 59G-13.082, F.A.C., will establish procedure codes and maximum units of service for the Developmental Disabilities Home and Community Based Services Program. Rule 59G-13.084, F.A.C., will establish provider reimbursement rates for the Developmental Disabilities Waiver Residential Habilitation Services in a Licensed Facility. Rule 59G-13.091, F.A.C., will establish provider reimbursement rates for the Family and Supported Living Waiver Program. Rule 59G-13.092, F.A.C., will establish procedure codes and maximum units of service for the Family and Supported Living Home and Community-Based Services Program. These rules will establish rates and procedure codes consistent with Legislative Appropriations for FY 2011-2012.