
PURPOSE: This public workshop is being held to receive comments and suggestions on any issues relating to the local value adjustment board process, including, but not limited to: A) Current value adjustment board procedures and suggestions for improvement; B) The selection, qualifications, training, and responsibilities of Special Magistrates; C) What a “model” local value adjustment board process should include. The Department will use these comments and suggestions to develop proposed rules for the conduct of value adjustment board hearings under current law and to provide information for the Legislature to support additional substantive and procedural changes to the laws governing the value adjustment board hearing process. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Further information on the local value adjustment board issues identified above is available at or may be requested from Claudia Kemp, Florida Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 3000, Tallahassee, FL 32315-3000 or or (850) 414-6109. WRITTEN COMMENTS ARE WELCOME: Persons who are unable to attend this public workshop are encouraged to submit written comments and suggestions related to the local value adjustment board process. Please direct your written statements to Claudia Kemp, Florida Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 3000, Tallahassee, FL 32315-3000, or