
This meeting is being held to afford interested persons the opportunity to express their views concerning the location, conceptual design and social, economic and environmental effects of Financial Project ID Number 208001-1, otherwise known as SR 200 (US 301) from CR 227 south of Starke to CR 233 (Morgan Road) north of Starke in Bradford County, Florida. The proposed project is a capacity improvement project for SR 200 (US301) from south of the city limits of Starke to north of the city limits. The locally preferred alternative, or Rural Alternative, will provide a limited access bypass facility on new alignment west of the City of Starke’s urban area. This alternative is 7.3 miles in length. The typical section would be a divided rural freeway with paved shoulders and swale drainage. The Rural Alternative would connect with the existing US 301 in the vicinity of Prevatt Creek south of Starke and CR 233 north of Starke. This alternative includes a railroad overpass and interchanges at SR 100 and SR 16. Right of way will be required for the proposed improvements. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status.