The purpose of this draft rule amendment is to achieve consistency between the Commission’s Reef Fish Rule on recreational gag grouper harvest in the Gulf of Mexico and interim rules that are anticipated to be implemented by NOAA Fisheries Service in June 2011. Gag grouper is considered to be overfished (low stock abundance) and undergoing overfishing (excessive harvesting pressure). The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council developed interim regulatory actions to address overfishing of gag grouper while a long-term rebuilding plan is developed. This rule amendment will close recreational Gulf of Mexico gag grouper harvest from June 1 through September 15, 2011 and November 16, through December 31, 2011 and would be consistent with the federal interim rule. This management measure is intended to help end overfishing of gag grouper while still allowing some fishing opportunities. The effect of this rule amendment is to prohibit recreational harvest and possession of gag grouper from June 1 through September 15, 2011 and November 16 through December 31, 2011. With this rule amendment, federal and state regulations will be consistently applied. This minimizes public confusion, aids enforceability, and contributes to the overall health and status of gag grouper in the Gulf of Mexico.
SUMMARY: Rule 68B-14.0039, F.A.C., (Recreational Grouper Seasons) would be amended to close recreational Gulf of Mexico gag grouper harvest from June 1 through September 15, 2011 and November 16, through December 31, 2011. These closures would occur in 2011 only.