
This is a meeting of the Trustees of the State Board of Administration to authorize the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund (the Fund) to take the following actions: to purchase financial product(s) in order to enhance the ability of the Fund to respond to losses for the 2009/2010 reimbursement contract year; to file a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for adoption, if no member of the public requests a rule hearing, for Rules 19-8.029, F.A.C., Insurer Reporting Requirements, and 19-8.030, F.A.C., Insurer Responsibilities; and to file Rule 19-8.028, F.A.C., Reimbursement Premium Formula, for Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. In addition, the Trustees may address other general business. The rules showing the proposed amendments and the incorporated forms are available on the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund website: