
The amendments to Section 849.086, Florida Statutes, will significantly increase the amounts wagered on poker and dominoes conducted at those facilities. A number of changes will also be required for security and internal control issues. OTHER RULES INCORPORATING THIS RULE: Rules 61D-11.016, 11.007, and 11.012 incorporate Rule 61D-11.019. EFFECT ON THOSE OTHER RULES: Rule 61D-11.019 has no effect on Rule 61D-11.007. Rules 61D-11.012 and 11.016 refer to cardroom floor plans in Rule 61D-11.019. Cardroom floor plans are now addressed in proposed Rule 61D-11.012(7). In addition, proposed Rule 61D-11.016 requires a technical change to conform to new numbering of proposed Rule 61D-11.012.