
Subsection (1) of the new rule provides definitions. Subsection (2) of the new rule specifies the general procedures regarding law enforcement records. Subsection (3) of the new rule states the effect of the failure to fully disclose a law enforcement record on an application. Subsection (4) of the new rule states the classifications of crimes. Subsection (5) states the effect that a single crime has on registration. Subsection (6)states provisions regarding control persons with multiple crimes. Subsection (7) states the mitigating factors that may be considered. Subsection (8) states circumstances that do not constitute mitigation. Subsection (9) states the effect of a pending appeal in criminal proceedings, including reversal on appeal. Subsection (10) addresses the effect of pre-trial intervention. Subsection (11) states the effect of sealing or expunging a criminal record. Subsection (12) states the effect of varying terminology related to law enforcement records. Subsection (13) addresses imprisoned persons and community supervision. Subsection (14) states the effect of disqualifying periods on an application. Subsection (15) lists the crimes considered Class "A" crimes. Subsection (16) lists the crimes considered Class "B" crimes. Subsection (17) lists the crimes considered Class "C" crimes. Subsection (18) states the effect of foreign law enforcement records.