
Submittals for the above referenced solicitation were received on March 12, 2020, and an initial Evaluation Committee Meeting was held March 27, 2020 via teleconference due to COVID-19 and social distancing requirements. An additional Evaluation Committee Meeting is necessary, which will be held on April 9, 2020 at 9:00 am via Open Voice teleconference, in accordance with Executive Order 20-52 and the St. Johns River Water Management District’s Emergency Order 2020-05, regarding COVID-19 and social distancing. The Open Voice phone number is 888-585-9008 (if unavailable call 657-220-3242), Conference Room ID No. 850427670#. The following provides the remaining meeting schedule related to this solicitation: • 9:00 a.m. and 1:30 pm (if needed), April 10, 2020, to: o Review and discuss the ranked written proposals to determine a shortlist of Respondents to proceed to the oral presentations and negotiation phase of the solicitation process o Discuss negotiation strategies • 9:00 a.m., April 15, 2020 – April 17, 2020 o Hear oral presentations and hold negotiations with Respondents o Each Respondent will be assigned a designated meeting time, established by lot o Shortlisted Respondents will be invited to provide oral presentations, demonstrate their capabilities and participate in negotiations with the District (a projector will be available for Respondents) o All aspects of the proposal, agreement and price are subject to negotiation • 2:00 p.m., April 21, 2020 o Receive and review Respondents’ Best-and-Final Offers o Once all offers are considered and the Evaluation Committee has reached a decision, all Respondents will be notified in writing of the Evaluation Committee’s intended recommendation to the Governing Board for consideration