
The purpose of the new rule is to ensure that each voter registration agency designated by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1995 and by Section 97.058, F.S., is complying with the requirements of NVRA. The proposed rules requires each such agency: 1) to designate a coordinator and act as a liaison to the Department of State’s NVRA coordinator, 2) to ensure compliance with the federal and state law governing voter registration activities, 3) to record for each client voter registration services provided, 4) to track monthly the number of applications for new registration and updates are received, and 5) to require training for staff. The proposed rule also provides DS-DE #77-ENG and DS-DE #77-SPN, a form in English and in Spanish that combines the preference form which allows for tracking voter registration activity and that incorporates a detachable national mail-in application form.