
On July 27, 2007, the department published a notice of rule development for proposed new Rule 62-285.300, F.A.C., to cap greenhouse gas emissions from the electric utility sector. By this notice, the department is proposing to rename Rule 62-285.300, F.A.C., from “Electric Utility Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program” to “Electric Utility Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program – General Provisions.” The purpose and effect of Rule 62-285.300, F.A.C., will still include the establishment of statewide emission caps from the electric utility sector, but will be expanded to include general provisions related to establishment and operation of a cap and trade program to accomplish the greenhouse gas emission reductions. The department is also proposing to develop four additional new rule sections to implement details of the proposed cap and trade program. These details include procedures for allocating greenhouse gas emission allowances to allowance tracking accounts of different types; establishing allowance tracking accounts and tracking allocations, deductions, and transfers to and from such accounts; monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions; and creating and using greenhouse gas emissions offsets.