
In accordance with Section 215.555(5), Florida Statutes, proposed amended Rule 19-8.028, F.A.C., Reimbursement Premium Formula, adopts the 2013-2014 reimbursement premium formula and the 2013-2014 reimbursement premium rates for the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund. In addition, the proposed amended Rule specifies exposure reporting requirements and provisional premiums for specified new participants, revises exemptions from coverage for policies predominantly covering specialized fine arts risks or scheduled personal property meeting specified criteria, and deletes obsolete or unnecessary language. The proposed amendments to Rule 19-8.028, F.A.C., Reimbursement Premium Formula, are necessitated by Section 215.555(5), Florida Statutes, which requires the State Board of Administration to employ an independent consultant to develop actuarially indicated premiums for the annual reimbursement contract, by the need to provide additional clarification, and by the Governor’s initiative to reduce duplicative, obsolete, or unnecessary rule provisions. OTHER RULES INCORPORATING THIS RULE: There are no other rules incorporating this rule. However, there are three rules which reference this rule: Rule 19-8.012(3)(d)2., F.A.C., Rule 19-8.013(2)(q), F.A.C., and Rule 19-8.030(3)(m), F.A.C. EFFECT ON THOSE OTHER RULES: The proposed changes to this rule have no impact on any of the three rules referencing this rule.