CFX Project No: 599-224
Project Description: CFX Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study
Poinciana Parkway Extension
The Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) is conducting a PD&E Study for the proposed Poinciana Parkway Extension project. The study will determine if a limited access facility between the northern end of Poinciana Parkway to County Road 532 is viable and fundable in accordance with CFX policies and procedures.
Environmental Advisory Group (EAG) members will review the findings of the comparative evaluation of the alternatives and provide input on the preferred alternative. As a special advisory resource to the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) and the consultant team, the EAG provides input regarding environmental impacts, local needs, concerns and potential physical, natural, social and cultural impacts that are crucial in the evaluation of corridor and alternative alignments.
The overall goals of the Poinciana Parkway Extension are to: provide improved connections between area roads; accommodate anticipated transportation demand; provide consistency with local and regional plans; support economic viability and job creation; support intermodal opportunities; and enhance evacuation and emergency services.
Public involvement and interagency coordination are an integral part of the assessment process, and multiple opportunities for participation are being provided.
If you have any questions or would like more information about the study, please contact Mary Brooks, Public Involvement Coordinator, by phone at 407-802-3210, or by email at or visit the study webpage at You may also follow the study on Facebook at
Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Persons who require accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services, free of charge, should contact Ms. Brooks as noted above.