
A federal stock assessment update completed in 2011 showed that gray triggerfish are overfished and undergoing overfishing in the Gulf of Mexico. The new rule and rule amendment would modify recreational harvest regulations in Gulf of Mexico state waters by establishing a closed season in June and July during peak spawning, and establish a 2-fish recreational bag limit. The purpose of these rules is to achieve consistency between the Commission’s Gulf gray triggerfish regulations and expected federal regulations in the Gulf of Mexico. The Secretary of Commerce has approved similar rules for Gulf of Mexico federal waters and these regulations take effect on June 10, 2013. New federal rules for the commercial sector are also expected to take effect and include a closed season from June 1 to July 31 and a 12-fish commercial trip limit. However, no changes to state rules are needed to achieve consistency between state and federal rules for commercial gray triggerfish harvest because existing state regulations already require commercial fishermen harvesting gray triggerfish in Gulf state waters to follow federal regulations. The effect of the new rule and rule amendment is that federal and state regulations can be applied more consistently to recreational harvest of gray triggerfish in the Gulf of Mexico. A consistent recreational closed season and bag limit in state waters would contribute to the federal rebuilding plan and reduce the likelihood of catch exceeding federal annual catch limits. This should help ensure a sustainable harvest for the future. 68B-14.0036, F.A.C. would be modified to establish a June 1 through July 31 annual recreational closed season for gray triggerfish in the Gulf of Mexico. A new rule (68B-14.0041, F.A.C.; Recreational Gulf Gray Triggerfish Season) would be created and establish a two-fish recreational bag limit for Gulf gray triggerfish. These changes were approved by the Commission at their February 13-14, 2013 meeting in Orlando.