Rule 68B-14.0035 F.A.C. (Size Limits: Amberjacks, Black Sea Bass, Gray Triggerfish, Grouper, Hogfish, Red Porgy, Snapper) would be amended to reduce the commercial size limit for red grouper in the Gulf from 20 to 18 inches total length. Rule 68B-14.00355 F.A.C. (Size Limits for Importation and Sale) would be amended to reduce the size limit for the importation and sale of red grouper from 20 inches to 18 inches total length. Rule 68B-14.0036, F.A.C. (Recreational Bag Limits: Snapper, Grouper, Hogfish, Black Sea Bass, Red Porgy, Amberjack, Exception, Wholesale/Retail Purchase Exemption) would be amended to reduce the aggregate bag limit for Gulf grouper from 5 grouper per person per day to 4 grouper per person per day. Rule 68B-14.0039, F.A.C. (Recreational Grouper Season) would be amended to include additional shallow water groupers (including red grouper, black grouper, yellowfin grouper, yellowmouth grouper, rock hind, red hind, and scamp) in the February 1 through March 31 gag grouper closure. In Rule 68B-14.0045, F.A.C. (Commercial Harvest Requirements; Licenses, Season Closures, Bag and Trip Limits) the current commercial closed season of February 15 through March 14 for red, black, and gag grouper would be modified to prohibit commercial harvest from February 1 through March 31. Additional shallow water grouper species would also be included in the closure (adding yellowfin grouper, yellowmouth grouper, rock hind, red hind, and scamp). The effect of this amendment would be to create one closed season for all commercial and recreational harvest of shallow water groupers in Gulf state waters. Rule 68B-14.0046, F.A.C. (Transit Through State Waters During Closed Season) would be created to allow the direct transit of commercially harvested shallow water groupers legally caught in Gulf federal waters through Gulf state waters of Florida during the February 1 through March 31 closed season in state waters.