
The purpose of the proposed rule amendment is to incorporate changes in the authorizing statute and revise technical errors and update references. The Agency proposes to amend Rule 59A-4.103, F.A.C., to include provisions for initial and change of ownership applications or suspension of a current license when licensure fees are returned to the Agency due to insufficient funds. This section also includes specifications regarding the issuance of partial inactive licenses for alternative uses pursuant to Section 400.0712, Florida Statutes (F.S.). Other changes to this section include the incorporation of modifications to the licensure application, technical changes clarifying the submission process for required reports to the Agency and defining days as “calendar” days. Proposed amendments to Rule 59A-4.106, F.A.C., include providing a web address for obtaining transfer and discharge forms, deleting a reference to services provided by the Department of Children and Families, presenting criteria for a Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNRO), incorporating references to federal guidelines and providing a specific address to obtain copies of a “Health Care Advance Directives.” Rule 59A-4.108, F.A.C., updates statutory references for facility staffing in accordance with state law, and establishes requirements for requesting the use of licensed nurses to perform licensed nursing and certified nursing assistant duties. Proposed amendments to Rule 59A-4.110, F.A.C., include a technical change to the position title of director of food service and replaces the outdated references to the Dietary Managers training and certification process. Amendments to Rule 59A-112, F.A.C., include technical changes for the terminology of the Emergency Drug Kit. Proposed amendment to Rule 59A-4.122, F.A.C., includes details for the placement of a resident’s bed and further defines the requirement for a closet and comfortable room temperatures. Changes to Rule 59A-4.123, F.A.C., incorporates revisions to the 1-day Adverse Incident Reporting Form, provides for electronic submission of this form and clarifies when events reported to law enforcement are considered adverse incidents. Rule 59A-4.1235, F.A.C., is amended to incorporate revisions to the Liability Claims form and provides for the electronic submission of this form. Proposed amendment to Rule 59A-4.126, F.A.C., provides language regarding the submission of the emergency management plan, testing of this plan, and procedures and notifications for evacuation, overcapacity and re-occupancy of the nursing home structure during a disaster. An amendment to Rule 59A-4.128, F.A.C., removes the measurement of deficiencies in terms of scope and severity for state licensure. The establishment of Rule 59A-4.1285, F.A.C., provides requirements for developing and implementing a respite care program for nursing home licensees that choose to provide such a service. A proposed change to Rule 59A-4.1288, F.A.C., incorporates reference to federal regulations established since 1991. Amendments to Rule 59A-4.1295, F.A.C., include technical changes, clarification of requirements for the approval to initiate, expand or suspend pediatric services, and provides reference to Florida Building Code 2004 Edition, including all supplements in effect as of December 2006 and removal of language as required by statutory changes. Proposed amendments to Rule 59A-4.130, F.A.C., provides revised language to conform to code edition changes and retains language not included in the Florida Building Code. Proposed amendment Rule 59A-4.133, F.A.C., provides language to reference the Florida Building Code to conform to statutory changes, and deletes all other requirements. Proposed new Rule 59A-4.134, F.A.C., revises the requirements for construction plans submission to conform to codes and statutory changes. Amendments to Rule 59A-4.150, F.A.C., include the deletion or correction of several recurring or obsolete definitions and references throughout the section. Proposed changes to Rule 59A-4.165, F.A.C., replaces the reference for a 45-month reporting period in the Nursing Home Guide with language that cites the time period defined in Section 400.191, F.S. Rule 59A-4.166, F.A.C., regarding the Nursing Home Consumer Satisfaction Survey is abolished due to repeal of the statutory authority. Other revisions are made throughout the Chapter to correct technical errors and update references.