
Specific adjustments to the rule include amendments to subsection 62-701.805(8) Closure and Post Closure Care in subparagraph 62-701.805(8)(b)1., F.A.C., revising the date of Form 62-701.900(37), adopted by reference in this rule, and updating the link to the new form. Additionally, in subsection 62-701.805(12) CCR Permit Application Fees and Terms, the Department is adding the word “not” to sub-subparagraph 62-701.805(12)(c)2.b., F.A.C., which was inadvertently omitted during previous rulemaking. In paragraph 62-701.805(13)(d), the term “website” is being added for clarification. In the Forms Rule 62-701.900, F.A.C., Form 62-701.900(37), is being updated with a new effective date. The revisions to Form 62-701.900(37) correct citations on pages 5 and 6 that stated Rule 62-701.805(3)(c), F.A.C., to correctly cite Rule 62-701.805(2)(c), F.A.C., regarding the Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) plan, due to renumbering of the subsection. OTHER RULES INCORPORATING THIS RULE: 62-704.400, 62-704.410, 62-710.800, 62-711.500, 62-711.520, 62-711.530, 62-711.550, 62-711.801, 62-713.400, 62-713.600, and 62-716.470, F.A.C. EFFECT ON THOSE OTHER RULES: Amendments to Rule 62-701.900, F.A.C., in this Notice of Proposed Rule are not expected to have any significant impact on the following Rules: 62-704.400, 62-704.410, 62-710.800, 62-711.500, 62-711.520, 62-711.530, 62-711.550, 62-711.801, 62-713.400, 62-713.600, and 62-716.470, F.A.C.