
Revisions to existing Rule 6A-6.0902, F.A.C., include the following: Revisions relating to identification of ELLs are revised to clarify that the home language survey is to be completed during registration, rather than upon enrollment; the time period for completing an initial assessment of English language proficiency in Reading and Writing is shortened, and related processes contained in the rule are revised accordingly; the authority of the district to assess kindergarten students’ English language proficiency during kindergarten roundup is specified; the right of parents to have a student removed from a language instruction education program is clarified; one factor for consideration by an ELL Committee in its determination of whether a student is English language proficient is removed as extraneous; documentation requirements for ELL Committees are specified; provisions relating to the annual assessment of English language proficiency are moved to newly created Rule 6A-6.09021, F.A.C., and the requirements relating to assessing former ELLs are clarified; and provisions relating to extension of ESOL services are moved to newly created Rule 6A-6.09022, F.A.C., and the timing and requirements for extension of services beyond three years are clarified. Revisions to existing Rule 6A-6.0903, F.A.C., include the following: the standards for exit from the ESOL program are modified; and provisions relating to post-reclassification of ELLs are moved to a newly created Rule 6A-6.09031, F.A.C.