
During the 2009 Legislative session the Fund’s Contract Year was changed as follows: The 2010 Contract Year would begin on June 1 and end on December 31st and all years thereafter would begin on January 1 and end on December 31. CS/SB 1460, passed by the 2010 Legislature, changes the Contract Year back to June 1 through May 31st but also adds a new requirement that the annual Reimbursement Contract be adopted each year by February 1st and be executed by the Insurers by March 1st. In addition, CS/SB 1460 freezes the Fund’s capacity and the retention and requires the Fund to publish the Fund’s maximum statutory adjusted capacity for the mandatory coverage for each contract year, the maximum statutory coverage for any optional coverage and the aggregate retention used to calculate an individual insurer’s retention multiples by January 1st of the immediately preceding contract year.