
The purpose of the proposed rule development is to amend the General Permit By Rule that regulates small irrigation uses below consumptive use permit thresholds in Rule 40C-2.042, F.A.C. Amendments include: repeal of the exceptions for use of reclaimed water and recycled water from wet detention treatment ponds for irrigation; amendment to the limiting conditions to prohibit chemigation and fertigation between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.; restriction of the watering-in of chemicals to 1/4 inch of water per application except as otherwise required by law, the manufacturer or best management practices; limitation of the operation of landscape irrigation systems for routine maintenance to 1 day per week; providing that where reclaimed water is available, use of private irrigation wells is not authorized; establishing a specific 2-day per week landscape irrigation schedule for the period of time when Daylight Savings Time is in effect; establishing a 1-day per week irrigation schedule for the period of time when Eastern Standard Time is in effect; providing that an irrigator using reclaimed water for irrigation may irrigate on a specified additional day when the user’s reclaimed water provider, in order to address the provider’s operational, disposal or storage concerns, has obtained a District permit allowing the provider’s customers to irrigate with reclaimed water on the specified additional day; providing limitations on the amount of water than can be applied for landscape irrigation; revising Form 40C-2-1082-2; and revising the Applicant’s Handbook: Consumptive Uses of Water, to reflect these changes.