
Rule 69W-600.001, F.A.C., is to be amended to strike subparagraph (1)(b)6., which requires proof of clearing agreements when requested by the Office, and to add a requirement for control persons and/or owners to provide fingerprint cards in support of the application pursuant to Section 517.12(7), F.S. Rule 69W-600.004, F.A.C., is to be amended to strike subparagraph (3)(b)4., relating to evidence of current registration with the Secretary of State, as there is no specific statutory authority for this requirement. Rule 69W-600.008, F.A.C., is to be amended to change the number of days for notice in subparagraph (1) from 20 to 30 for consistency with other amendment provisions, and to correct a cross-reference typographical error in subparagraph (1) from 59W to 69W. Rule 69W-600.020, F.A.C., is to be repealed, as the requirements in the rule are duplicative over FINRA requirements.