
Rule 69U-120.004, F.A.C., is to be amended to conform the rule to statutory changes in Section 658.48, F.S.; and to correct a cross-reference of Section 655.012(3) to 655.012(2) F.S., as rulemaking authority. Rule 69U-120.009 is to be amended to conform the rule to statutory changes in Section 658.67, F.S., enacted by Chapter Law 2011-194; and to correct a cross-reference of Section 655.012(3) to 655.012(2), F.S., as rulemaking authority. Rule 69U-120.045, F.A.C., is to be amended to eliminate and reduce certain requirements relating to minimum internal audit requirements; and to correct a cross-reference of Section 655.012(3) to 655.012(2), F.S., as a law implemented and rulemaking authority.