
This meeting is being held to afford interested persons the opportunity to express their views concerning the location, conceptual design, social, economic and environmental effects of Financial Project ID: 436077-1, otherwise known as SR-A1A (3rd Street) Drainage Improvements project in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. The Florida Department of Transportation is proposing outfall improvements for the purpose of reducing flooding on SR-A1A. The proposed improvements include: 1. Replacement of the Kings Road Bridge to provide a wider opening. The new bridge will be at approximately the same elevation as the existing bridge. 2. Evaluating replacement of the Penman Road culvert with a bridge to provide a wider opening to match the channel width is under analysis and being considered. 3. Re-grade and widen the channel from Penman Road east to the existing box culvert. The channel improvements will include tree clearing, installation of sheet-pile wall and fabric formed concrete riprap. Also proposed is the replacement of the roadway crossings at 5th Street, Seagate Avenue, 18th Avenue N. and 15th Avenue N. Every effort will be made to coordinate construction activities to limit interruptions during school hours. During bridge construction, detour routes may be required for through traffic. Access will be maintained for adjacent residents located in the construction zone. Public participation is sought without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability or family status.