
Paragraph 11B-35.001(3)(c), F.A.C.: Adds the requirement that Commission-certified firearms instructors who instruct Basic Recruit Firearms courses on or after July 1, 2023, must have completed the Firearms Instructor Update Course if previously certified or the Firearms Instructor Course effective July 1, 2023, and that all Commission-certified firearms instructors must complete the same before June 30, 2024, to prevent deactivation of their firearms instructor certificate. Paragraph 11B-35.001(3)(d), F.A.C.: Adds the requirement that Commission-certified first aid instructors who instruct Basic Recruit First Aid courses on or after July 1, 2023, must have completed the First Aid Instructor Update Course if previously certified or the First Aid Instructor Course, effective February 16, 2023, and that all Commission certified first aid instructors must complete the same before June 30, 2024, to prevent deactivation of their first aid instructor certificate. Subsection 11B-35.0011(1), F.A.C.: Adds rule language to include a BAT exemption in response to House Bill 3 for veterans, as defined in Section 1.01(14), F.S., or individuals who hold an associate degree or higher from an accredited college or university. Subsection 11B-35.0011(3), F.A.C.: Adds a rule to clarify that a refund for the BAT will not be provided for individuals who took the BAT pursuant to Rule 11B-35.0011(1), F.A.C. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.0024(3)(a)2., F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Defensive Tactics Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC-6, to ensure more uniformity with the remaining high liability forms. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.0024(3)(c)2., F.A.C.: Updates the rule language to include handgun proficiency use with a semi-automatic pistol for basic recruit students and incorporates the revised Firearms Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC-4, to ensure more uniformity with the remaining high liability forms, renaming it the Handgun Performance Evaluation form, and reflect the requirement of passing handgun proficiency evaluations and the revised qualification course of fire, and completion of active threat/shooter drills; inclusion of Equivalency of Training students; clarification that only basic recruit and cross-over students are required to pass an end-of-course examination; and allows the training school to record when an EOT student fails to demonstrate the proficiency skills. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.0024(3)(d)2., F.A.C.: Incorporates the newly created Firearms Instructor Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC-4I, to use in place of the CJSTC-4 for firearms instructor students; and updates the rule language to include handgun proficiency use with a semi-automatic pistol for firearms instructor students. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.0024(3)(f)2., F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised First Aid Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC-5, to ensure more uniformity with the remaining high liability forms to reflect the inclusion of EOT student proficiency in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; the additions of Massive hemorrhage, Respirations, circulation, Head injury/hypothermia, and recovery position and the removal of circulation rate, pulse rate, skin color and condition, physical assessment (DOTS/SAMPLE), and pupils in Patient Assessment section; the removal of the ABCs and addition of MARCH in Shock section; the addition of wound packing, tourniquet self-application, and chest seal to Bleeding section; the removal of Musculoskeletal and Soft Tissue Injuries section; the addition of arm or ankle drag, vehicle dump, and rear seat vehicle load and the removal of walking assist in Moving Patients section, effective 7/2023. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.0024(3)(h)2., F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Vehicle Operations Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC-7, to ensure more uniformity with the remaining high liability forms; to clarify that instructor students are required to use lights and sirens when demonstrating proficiency on the nighttime exercises; and adds “lane change” to the required evaluation criteria on the Tactical Backing Exercise.