Annual Meeting – Directors elections and a vote on Bylaws changes. Those changes are as follows.
Article I, Section B(3): Receive reports from the public, contractors, utilities and all other excavators or other entities performing any other work that may affect the subsurface of the earth who contact call the centralized one-number call system in advance of a planned excavation or similar activity; Article II, Section C: Every entity required by law to be a member shall provide funding for the cost of administration pursuant to the policies and procedures adopted by the corporation and shall be liable for proper assessments in the circuit Court having jurisdiction of the matter in and for Volusia County, Florida, or in any other venue deemed appropriate by the corporation.
Article IV, Section B(5): The slate of proposed Directors shall be those nominated from the floor and those proposed by a nominating committee appointed by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and approved by a majority of the Board of Directors. Any person who intends to become a candidate for election as a Director must inform the Executive Director of his/her intention at least ten (10) days before the election. The candidate must have the written support of his/her primary or associate member employer and must meet the qualifications for Directors established by the Board of Directors. The primary members shall elect Directors at the annual meeting. Each Director must be elected by an affirmative vote of a majority of members voting.
Article VI, Section C: No person may be a member of more than two (2) standing Committees, and the Chairperson and Secretary shall only serve on the Executive Committee and the Executive Review Committee.
Article VII, Section E(1): Chairperson: The Chairperson shall be the principal executive officer of the Corporation and, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, shall supervise all of the business and affairs of the Corporation. The Chairperson may sign, with the Secretary, or with any other proper officer authorized by the Board of Directors, any deeds, leases, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments, which may be lawfully executed on behalf of the Corporation. The Chairperson shall serve on the Executive Committee and the Executive Review Committee.
Article VII, Section E(2): Vice-Chairpersons: In the absence of the Chairperson or in the event of his/her death, inability or refusal to act, a Vice-Chairperson shall be designated by the Board to perform the duties of the Chairperson, and when so acting, the Vice-Chairperson shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson designated to serve as the Chairperson shall be that Vice-Chairperson who is elected by the remaining members of the Board to serve as Chairperson. Other Vice-Chairpersons may be elected and, if so elected shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to them by the Chairperson or Board of Directors. Vice Chairpersons shall serve on the Executive Committee and the Executive Review Committee.
Article VII, Section E(3)(g): Serve on the Executive Committee and the Executive Review Committee.
Article VII, Section E(5)(e): Serve on the Executive Committee and the Executive Review Committee.
Board Meeting – Election of officers and committee chairs/vice chairs, and general SSOCOF business discussion.